A bid where the potential supplier has ‘exempted themselves’ from one or more of the requirements of the tender (i.e., the bid specifically states that it does not comply with one or more aspects of the specification or contract terms).
A list of products that, because of the length of time required for test and evaluation, are tested in advance of procurement to determine which suppliers comply with the specification requirements. Also referred to as an “approved brands list.”
A vendor determined by a buying organization to meet minimum set standards of business competence, reputation, financial ability and product quality for placement on the vendor list.
Measured in terms of quality.
Research designed to gain insights into reasons why something happens.
The composite of material attributes, including performance features and characteristic, of a product or service to satisfy a given need.
Processes put in place the ensure that quality requirements will be met.
Checking a product against a set of criteria to ensure it meets quality standards.
A formal system that includes documented processes and procedures that outline the responsibilities for achieving quality within an organization.
Measured in terms of numbers or quantity.
Research that uses statistics and mathematics as a means of analyzing data.
Amount or number.
A reduction in the unit price offered for large volume contracts.
A limit on the quantity or value of a particular type of import or export.
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